Welcome to Public Works

The Public Works Department is committed to excellent customer service and improvement of our city's infrastructure. Public Works includes the following six divisions: Water, Waste Water, Street, Storm Drainage, Sanitation and Fleet Maintenance. Our greatest asset is our employees. We invite you to visit the various web pages for additional information. We look forward to serving you.

Public Works Staff

Mark Hyde
Public Works Director
Utility Superintendent
Kristina Roach
Administrative Assistant
Todd Maxon
Water Field Supervisor
Jonathan Hicks
Wastewater Superintendent
Burl Lewis
Fleet Maintenance Supervisor
Chuck Adams
Streets, Drainage & Sanitation
Field Supervisor    
John Fox
Street Signs, Street
Sweeping & Herbicide Supervisor

By exploring the Public Works web site, you'll find more information about:
  • City of Harker Heights Drought Contingency Plan.
  • City streets, sign maintenance/repair; click here for emergency telephone contacts and general information useful to the Harker Heights citizen.
  • City Drainage concerns and improvements; clicking this link will access additional information regarding these issues.
  • City water distribution maintenance, water pressure maintenance and City water line locates; click here for emergency telephone contacts and general information useful to the Harker Heights citizen.
  • City vehicle maintenance; click on this link to learn more about the City's vehicle maintenance program.
  • City sewer collection line, lift station and treatment plant maintenance; click here for emergency telephone contacts and general information useful to the Harker Heights citizen.
  • City solid waste collection; click here to learn more about the City's solid waste collection system as well as telephone contacts.
Our goal is to improve the public appreciation of the services rendered by the associates of the Public Works Department. These representatives should be recognized as being professionals carrying great responsibility and concern for the health and welfare of our citizens as well as for the growth and improvement of the City of Harker Heights.

Regular Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(254) 953 - 5649

After Hours Duty Phone Emergency Numbers
(Water leaks): (254) 681- 6779
(Sewer Stops): (254) 702- 4893
(Street, Drainage & Sanitation): (254) 319 - 4996

Stormwater Hotline
Report pollution in the City's stormwater system.

Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm Normal Business Hours: (254)953-5649
Holidays, weekends and after 5:00pm weekdays: (254) 319-4996